Dance Premier League is an Indian dance reality show that premiered on Sony TV on October 9, 2009. The series is judged by the known Bollywood film actress Rani Mukerji, and famous Indian choreographer Shiamak Davar who guides all six teams as an 'umpire'. The series replaced Sony TV's long running dance show Boogie Woogie. == Format == * The show consists of six teams, consisting of eight dancers each, that are chosen at auditions across India. One of the six teams consists of NRIs. * Each zonal team will play against every other zone. * Each match will have a solo, a duo and a group round. The tally of all three rounds will decide the winner. * The scoring is like cricket runs, e.g., duck, single, boundary, sixer, etc. The winning team gets 2 points. * At the end of each match, awards are also given just like cricket, e.g., Man of the match, most 6's, most 4's etc. * After the league matches the top four teams will play semifinals and then the top two will fight in the finals. * The points are awarded by the choreographers whose teams have not performed on the day. Shiamak Davar, aworld renowned choreographer is the match umpire and he can question or raise an objection to the points awarded. * Rani Mukerji, DPL ki Rani (Queen), will choose the man of the match and also award runs for the performances. * Man of the match gets 6 runs and these runs are added to the Round 3 score of their team. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Dance Premier League」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク